Sunday, August 7, 2011


So yesterday I had a little alone time while my husband took my daughter to the Barcelona game at Cowboy Stadium. Me time = CAMERA TIME!! Glorious un-interrupted camera time. So I loaded up and headed out to run an errand Tifosi sunglasses from Run ON! Love these sunglasses! Anyway... afterward I was pondering where to wander in the car looking for interesting subject matter when I remembered these bronze cattle I saw a couple weeks ago up at The Shops at Legacy. Who wouldn't want to play with giant cattle statues? Ok...some of you might not, but I love this kind of subject matter since they don't move, and I can set up the shots. Lay on the ground under them, etc. So a little more can find these magnificent creatures on Bishop just off Legacy.

What I discovered that I didn't notice last time was the very cool, very OLD cemetery that is right there. Baccus Cemetery The photos in that link doesn't do any justice for the intrigued it offers now with it's fancy gate, and historical marker. Unfortunately mid day light didn't offer much for shooting within the cemetery, but if you like to wander these places, the headstones are interesting. Dating back to the 1800's.

Without further ado...MOOOOOOOOO!

I'm not sure we saw eye to eye entirely but the detail in these creatures is fantastic!

I'm fascinated by trees, and this seems to be one of my favorite perspectives. Nothing like getting up close and personal with a tree! I think a shot like this with a person peeking over the top would be fun to do. I just gotta find someone willing to climb and peer over.

I kept circling and dancing with this tree until I found where the light could peer down on me. Lens flair...sure, but I think it gives a feeling of a greater beyond. God shining down on us.

This statue was actually a cowboy on a horse roping one of the cattle. I'd show you the other version, but I think this one leaves more to the imagination.

Finally....yes...I was laying on the ground here. The artist who did these is phenomenal. The attention to detail exquisite. Add some sun, a little blue sky, gorgeous green trees, and VOILA! Magic! So much Fun!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

More of my Work....(Growing)

Manual! Shoot in manual my friend said! And so I borrowed her book, and thus began the journey that is what you see. All my photos up to now have been take with auto settings on my camera. The ones that are supposed to be "dummy proof". These are from a sunset practice session. More to come!!!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Change Please

A little more Breckenridge. This was in Frisco at the Historical center. I loved the old cash register and the contrasting Bright (though fake) lemons in the glass container. Such a richness to the image.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Beyond the Mountains

I'm a bit behind but here is a taste of what I got while on the trip that wasn't quite a vacation in Breckenridge, Co. There are more, and they need editing, but for now these will do. Coming soon......a site or link for purchasing my images. Just have to figure out the best way to do that.

On a side note, my Cousin Bob recently passed away after his long battle with cancer. He was a great nature photographer, and a true inspiration for me. Bob will be greatly missed, but I wanted to share the Etsy site his wife set up for his photography. Search For the "Prairie Smoke Gallery" on Etsy. Based in Stillwater, MN. You can purchase notecards with his images on them. Some are just amazing.Farwell Bob!

Friday, February 18, 2011

I'm Published!!

Well, I did it! It's done! I'm published! Big SIGH!! We will see. I want to thank Heather for encouraging me to do this. Without her support I may have never stepped out on this ledge to look over the other side. Check it out, and if you like one please!