Thanksgiving has come and gone, and so has the turkey. But, not to say that there won't be turkey served on Christmas day. I read my friends blogs, and realize that they have so much to day. And I with all that I have endured this year really do not. However, the news of my life is but merely that I am training for a 5k. A lot of people have looked at me and said..."It's just a 5k", but for me it's not. It's an accomplishment of gargantuan proportions being that I have never...let me repeat NEVER EVER been a "runner". It is a challange that has plagued me my whole life. But its funny how certain occurances in your life can suddenly alter your outlook on what you can do. OK OK OK.....Enough about me...on to the good stuff. I'm hoping yet to capture more good stuff before it's all gone. But here it is...a little fall in Texas... Enjoy!