Sunday, May 9, 2010

One of my favorite Texas Wonders

It is no secret that the state flower of Texas is the Bluebonnet. There aren't many sites in Texas so splendorous as summer wildflowers where they still exist, and fields filled with miles of bluebonnets. It is a bit of a spring tradition to head out to find the local bluebonnets and take photos of families, and children. But what photog can resist just a photo of a bluebonnet?

The perfect and not so perfect blossoms of blue topped with a tuft of white are incredible. These had been bloomed for a while as you could start to see the seed pods appearing. I never knew that bluebonnets had a fragrance until I was standing in a field amongst thousands of the beautiful blossoms. A light floral fragrance that is appealing and not overpowering. And the greatest thrill of all is to kneel amongst them and look on the stems. Never have I seen so many ladybugs. Unfortuantely this year they were fast and I was unable to capture the combination of red and blue. So I dug back to last years archive, and behold the gorgeous photo.

Alas though I did take some photos of my daughter enjoying this spring time treat. This photo was my favorite.

I'm so blessed to have these opportunities. It's no surprise to anyone that I love living in Texas. There are plenty of places that I love to visit, but definitely no place I would rather lay my head at night and call home. It's always nice to come home. "The stars at night are big and bright....Deep in the Heart of Texas!"

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